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 Medical Risks:

Entities exposed to medical risks:

King Khaled Hospital

King Abdullaziz hospital

Faculty of medicine

Faculty of Pharmacy

Faculty of Dentistry

Faculty of Medical and Applied Sciences

College of Nursing

Medical risks 

refer to risk factors from a medical perspective to the set of procedures, equipment, tools and variable conditions associated with or increasing the potential for physical, organic or psychological injury

Sometimes the term determinants of health are used to refer to factors that may reduce or increase these probabilities. These risks are related to patients as a result of their stay in hospitals or to workers alike due to the practice of the profession and also the risks to which they are exposed from the patients themselves or as a result of their presence in an environment that exposes them to medical risk.

Examples of medical risks are:

Medical complications

Hospital-acquired infections

Bed sores

Patient fall


Medications errors

Radiological medical risks

Hazardous medical waste risks


Last updated on : January 25, 2023 10:25am